Monday, October 06, 2008

new transmission

emergency broadcast network-the name of the game


sporadically transmitted from hq.


stay tuned


ray d said...


George Hanson said...

hiya lion fella i think i like it!!!!!!!!!

George Hanson said...

.............and sometimes i believe me. i can deal with the knowing but not the not knowing

George Hanson said...

wot am i doing ? wot site am i on anyway? is this MY FACE? have i got any friends yet????????????? can anybody tell me if i can sell me. FUCK-SAKE........

George Hanson said...

FUCK-ME i need a job!!!!!!!

George Hanson said...

sorry lion man for lousing up your blog. keep up the good work. i luv u me.

The Lion Man said...

i know that i don't know,if you know what i mean.